Acknowledgements for Thesis and Dissertations with Examples

The acknowledgments section in a Dissertation is generally written to publicize the researcher’s efforts and all the support he has received. Of course, all the merits of completing a Dissertation are for the student. However, it often happens that in particular cases investigations require the support of a large number of people. For this reason, it is recommended to write an acknowledgment section, since without their help the investigation would not have been possible.

It should be noted that this section is a personal and subjective view of the researcher. Although, for this reason, the formal aspects of writing should not be neglected. When writing acknowledgments in a Dissertation, the formal writing style should be preserved as in the other sections of the work. In general, it is recommended to write this section in conjunction with the foreword. This gives the reader a general snapshot of the content and shows the research efforts.

How to write the thank you section in a successful Dissertation

In Theses and Masters we recommend that you start by reflecting on who were the people, organizations, or institutions involved in the development of your research. Although your tutor has been one of the people who has contributed the most to your project, think about who else you have received help from. In particular cases, there are eventual sponsors who help with a financial contribution to the project. It is even important to highlight other researchers who have contributed their views to our topic.

The family nucleus that provides the emotional support and the company to not lower their arms even in the hardest moments. The support of friends and dear people who with their support allow us to develop our full potential.

It begins with collaborators who require a higher degree of formality, such as institutions, sponsors, agencies, etc.

Ranking by their degree of formality allows us to understand the relevance of each actor in the project.

It is important to choose the correct words, since it is a personalized section where you will formally try to offer a personalized gift by mentioning those who have collaborated with the development of the Dissertation. You can call Dissertation writing services for more information.


Be sincere when writing the acknowledgments of your Dissertation.

Pay attention to the words chosen to express thanks for the support.

Put in evidence what it means to you to elaborate the work.

Dedicate a paragraph to each party involved.

Be specific, you must develop your writing and be able to demonstrate the importance of each person in the preparation of your Dissertation.