The day before Valentine’s Day my wife and I wanted to do something unique together. When I was a kid I remember going with my Dad to the BYU aquarium, but I remembered very little about it. I asked several other BYU students where the aquarium was the usual response was “There’s an aquarium on campus?”
I did some research online and found a vague references to an aquarium on BYU campus in Provo, Utah. I found out that there was an aquarium in the John A. Widtsoe building and that it was open to the public. We were determined in our quest to find it.
We went to the bookstore on campus, which is quite amazing I might add, and after browsing the bookstore asked one of the associates at the front desk where we could find the Widtsoe building. We were instructed as to where to go. We walked about 400 feet and found the building which is nestled in an obscure location on campus.
When we got there, we went down to the bottom floor of the building. To our surprise their was an aquarium but, it really was not all that amazing. Along the wall was about 4 – 5 fish tanks with about one giant fish and a whole lot of little fish per tank. There was a crab or lobster, however, not much else. They have some cool art on the wall showing different scientific facts about fish and underwater life. Apparently this aquarium is used for students to have some real life experience in studying underwater life.
So if anybody ever asked you if BYU has an aquarium the answer is yes, it just really is not all that amazing. If you want to see an amazing aquarium in Utah County, Cabela’s near Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah is your best bet.