Deborah Springstead Ford

“I hope we emerge from this pandemic . . .
with a new respect for mother nature, the organic globe, and animals.”

Dame Jane Goodall

THE LOCKDOWNS close to the world stored us in our houses, at a distance from just one another, and yet, paradoxically, by some means the distance brought the relaxation of mother nature nearer. The pandemic has magnified our connection to the living entire world.

Nobody is aware the origins of the pandemic, but we do know that there has been an maximize in rising infectious disorders about the previous century, and that the dangers are increasing by means of human steps, particularly deforestation and the ways we deal with other animals.



To avert further pandemics, we never just want to take a look at these forms of triggers. We will need to fully grasp that our steps are enabled by the worth frameworks that justify what we do to other species, and to the setting.

It was a challenge making a movie completely throughout zoom during a pandemic, but the film aims to capture that truth as it was happening, and use it as component of the storytelling.


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Melanie Challenger functions as a researcher on the historical past of humanity and the pure environment, and on environmental philosophy. She is the writer of How to Be Animal (Penguin) and On Extinction: How We Turned Estranged from Nature (Counterpoint). She gained a Darwin Now Award for her investigate between Canadian Inuit and the Arts Council Worldwide Fellowship with the British Antarctic Study for her operate on the record of whaling. She lives with her household in England.